Hallo lieber Gast

Hallo lieber Gast, willkommen in den klaren Weiten im Norden Deutschlands, begleite mich auf meinen Pfaden durch die Natur, Ausflügen und Reisen, auf der Suche nach Ruhe und Anregung. Entdecke mit mir Linien und Freiräumen, die die Perspektiven, die Vielfalt der Farben und Formen dieser Welt und unserer Natur uns bieten und genieße Momente der Nachdenklichkeit, Poesie und philosophischen Worte großer Dichter und Denker, manchmal auch meine eigenen lyrischen Texte dazu.

Schön, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast - wunderbar, Dich hier zur wissen!

" Ich muss mich ganz im Stillen mit meiner Außenwelt reiben,. sonst werde ich untauglich für die Welt."

- Paula Modersohn-Becker

#stayathome - Summer 2020


What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.

- Gertrude Jekyll

June is the best month to enjoy all this work done at our garden, all the roses (and there are a lot of roses at our garden) are in full bloom - every year again it's absolutely breathtaking and I feel so blessed for this chance in life to plan a garden by myself and to enjoy all its ups and downs. Our cottage garden is now 18 years old and looks exactly like in my dreams. And painting outside, inspired by all these lovely flowers around me is overwhelming and one of my favorite activities during these long days and lightful summer evenings.


Welcome Summer!


"And so, with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

This beautiful view is taken at Lake Zuerich, Switzerland, a location where it's very easy to feel like in heaven on earth.

Skywatch Friday - Our World Tuesday - Travel Tuesday - Image-in-Ing - Wordless Wednesday 


June - the Strawberry Month


My Strawberry

O marvel, fruit of fruits, I pause
To reckon thee. I ask what cause
Set free so much of red from heats
At core of earth, and mixed such sweets

With sour and spice: what was that strength
Which out of darkness, length by length,
Spun all thy shining thread of vine,
Netting the fields in bond as thine.

I see thy tendrils drink by sips
From grass and clover's smiling lips;
I hear thy roots dig down for wells,
Tapping the meadow's hidden cells.

Whole generations of green things,
Descended from long lines of springs,
I see make room for thee to bide
A quiet comrade by their side;

I see the creeping peoples go
Mysterious journeys to and fro,
Treading to right and left of thee,
Doing thee homage wonderingly.

I see the wild bees as they fare,
Thy cups of honey drink, but spare.
I mark thee bathe and bathe again
In sweet unclaendared spring rain.

I watch how all May has of sun
Makes haste to have thy ripeness done,
While all her nights let dews escape
To set and cool thy perfect shape.

Ah, fruit of fruits, no more I pause
To dream and seek thy hidden laws!
I stretch my hand and dare to taste,
In instant of delicious waste

On single feast, all things that went
To make the empire thou hast spent

Helen Hunt

Each day eating fresh-picked strawberries is like living in heaven! I love June so very much, the garden is in full bloom, all roses are open. The scent is overwhelming and then the strawberries! We have a lot of strawberries farmers around us and so one MUST buy these delicious fruits.

There are so many receipts I had to try. This year I have done a strawberry tiramisu for the first time, with mascarpone, yogurt, biscuits marinated with Kirschwasser and strawberry sauce and pieces - unbelievable yummy!! And of course strawberry milkshake, and a cold yogurt-soup and homemade strawberry ice cream and and ...

My Corner of the World - Our World Tuesday - Image-in-Ink - Wordless Wednesday - My Sunday Best 


Mein Norden - Das Reisen


Das Reisen ist auch solch ein Element, das sich jeder Definition entzieht. 
Wie schnell ist man weit vom gestrigen Tag... 

Hugo von Hofmannsthal

My longing for the sea is immense, but this year it's a no-go for us. The impressions are a wonderful memory to the Island Juist, Northsea - Germany. It's a small lovely place without any cars, only horse-drawn carriage, endless beach, wide-open sky, and even in the high season space enough to breathe.
