Hallo lieber Gast

Hallo lieber Gast, willkommen in den klaren Weiten im Norden Deutschlands, begleite mich auf meinen Pfaden durch die Natur, Ausflügen und Reisen, auf der Suche nach Ruhe und Anregung. Entdecke mit mir Linien und Freiräumen, die die Perspektiven, die Vielfalt der Farben und Formen dieser Welt und unserer Natur uns bieten und genieße Momente der Nachdenklichkeit, Poesie und philosophischen Worte großer Dichter und Denker, manchmal auch meine eigenen lyrischen Texte dazu.

Schön, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast - wunderbar, Dich hier zur wissen!

" Ich muss mich ganz im Stillen mit meiner Außenwelt reiben,. sonst werde ich untauglich für die Welt."

- Paula Modersohn-Becker

the cute found


Two weeks ago we've spent holidays at Fuerteventura in a really beautiful villa. At the first day we've watched an adult cat passing the lovely planted garden. At the 2nd day while we were relaxing at the pool and terrace I heard some little kittens calling for their mom and we discovered these three cute kittens.

A bit too thin, very shy but enterprising and lively. We waited the whole day and the kittens too, but no mother returned. So we decided to feed them in the evening and they were so very hungry and thirsty.  And so we've done the whole week. They didn't leave the small area round the hole in the roof, but they played together and enjoyed the sun... and our nice food and the water.

The bad news after our holidays week is: the mother cat didn't return and we were sure these kittens are too young to survive without her. So we've informed our kind staff and Juanita immediately fall in love to them. She has assured that she will take care of the kittens. She's such a warm hearted person, that I'm sure, these story will have a





Softness triumphs over hardness, feebleness over strength. What is more malleable is always superior over that which is immoveable. This is the principle of controlling things by going along with them, of mastery through adaptation.

- Laozi

Floral Friday - MySundayPhoto

These are buds of a clematis.
