Hallo lieber Gast

Hallo lieber Gast, willkommen in den klaren Weiten im Norden Deutschlands, begleite mich auf meinen Pfaden durch die Natur, Ausflügen und Reisen, auf der Suche nach Ruhe und Anregung. Entdecke mit mir Linien und Freiräumen, die die Perspektiven, die Vielfalt der Farben und Formen dieser Welt und unserer Natur uns bieten und genieße Momente der Nachdenklichkeit, Poesie und philosophischen Worte großer Dichter und Denker, manchmal auch meine eigenen lyrischen Texte dazu.

Schön, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast - wunderbar, Dich hier zur wissen!

" Ich muss mich ganz im Stillen mit meiner Außenwelt reiben,. sonst werde ich untauglich für die Welt."

- Paula Modersohn-Becker

mein Norden - Licht


Wer sich nach Licht sehnt, ist nicht lichtlos, 
denn die Sehnsucht ist schon Licht.

Bettina von Arnim 


Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes


The monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes is a Cultural Asset of National Interest

The Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, located in Port de la Selva, was once a Benedictine monastery in the former county of Empúries. It's a large-scale monastic site, made up of a church (built in the Romanesque style and influenced by late Roman architecture), cloister and various monastic dependencies in its surrounds. The first document that mentions the monastery comes from 878, in which it appears as a simple monastic cell dedicated to Sant Pere (Saint Peter). It wasn't until 945 that it was considered an independent Benedictine monastery, governed by an abbot. Its true origins are, however, as yet unknown.

I've visited this impressive location during my Endre Penovác Watercolor Workshop organized from EPC Art Courses, Girona.  It was to cold and windy for painting outside, sure it was November but at Catalunya November is a gorgeous Month for traveling and painting. Not so at this day, so we changed the location. But for me it was such a beautiful experience and I'm sure, I'll come back to this wonderful place.

text: timeout.com


Christmas is a time for nostalgia, but it is also a time for making new memories. Enjoy the fellowship of new friends, and cherish the company of family in this season of loving and sharing. Merry Christmas!

Cordially yours,




Girona - a jewel at Catalonia


“As we get older, the biggest things that we will remember are the times that we spent with our friends. The good times are always good and we always know how to make the best out of everything. Friends are often fleeting, but the memories we make with them will last for the rest of our lives. Memories with friends make up the majority of our memories.”

Last November I've absolved a gorgeous Watercolor Workshop with Endre Penovác, perfectly organized by Angela Barbi, EPC Art Courses in this beautiful and very charming city of Girona.  We'd a great and intensive time with hard work, fantastic excursions, lovely dinners and a fantastic group with so kind and inspiring new friends from all over the world.


That Wren

That wren--
looking here, looking there.
You lose something?

Kobayashi Issa

These lovely tiny guy is a very adorable guest at our garden since three years and especially in winter he/she comes really near to the house.

Much more lovely scenes you will find at: Our World Tuesday



Verse zum Advent


Verse zum Advent

Noch ist Herbst nicht ganz entflohn,
Aber als Knecht Ruprecht schon
Kommt der Winter hergeschritten,
Und alsbald aus Schnees Mitten
Klingt des Schlittenglöckleins Ton.
Und was jüngst noch, fern und nah,
Bunt auf uns herniedersah,
Weiß sind Türme, Dächer, Zweige,
Und das Jahr geht auf die Neige,
Und das schönste Fest ist da.
Tag du der Geburt des Herrn,
Heute bist du uns noch fern,
Aber Tannen, Engel, Fahnen
Lassen uns den Tag schon ahnen,
Und wir sehen schon den Stern.

Theodor Fontane

Ich wünsche Euch eine wunderschöne, harmonische Adventszeit.

herzlichst Isabella


Once you have tasted flight


“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” 

― Leonardo da Vinci

on my way to Girona I've had a gorgeous look on the high Pyrenees.



Southern Corners 1 - l'hora blava - the blue hour


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again. 

L. Frank Baum

Last weekend at Cadaqués - Costa Brava, Catalunya where I've absolved a gorgeous Watercolor Workshop at Girona, with two trips included and this awesome location was one of them.

Skywatch Friday - Our World Tuesday - WordlessWednesday - Image-In-Inq 

My North - Magic Hour


If a year was tucked inside a clock,
then Autumn would be the magic hour. 

Victoria Erickson

Blooming Tillage radish on a field nearby in last sun of the day.

Our World Tuesday - SkyWatchFriday 

Mein Norden - Ich liebe den Herbst


Ich liebe den Herbst; seine Traurigkeit stimmt gut zu Erinnerungen. Wenn die Bäume entlaubt sind, wenn der Abendhimmel noch in den tiefroten Farben glüht, die einen goldigen Schein über das Heu werfen, dann sieht man mit Entzücken alles verlöschen, was jüngst noch im Herzen brannte.

Gustave Flaubert 

noch viel mehr wundervolle Himmel gibt es bei: Yogi♪♪♪

Silvaplanersee - #WeekendReflections422


“Almost nothing need be said when you have eyes.” 

― Tarjei Vesaas

In der Sekunde eines Augenblicks war der Wind erwacht und ich konnte gar nicht schnell genug die Kamera herausholen an diesem Morgen am Silvaplanersee im Oberengadin. Wir waren auf dem Weg von Pontresina zu den Kastaniendörfern im Bregaglia und dieser völlig ruhige und majestätische Seenspiegel hat mich schier sprachlos gemacht. Der Silvaplaner ist der mittlere der drei Seen der Engadiner Seenplatte und wird hier vom Inn durchflossen, der hier noch den Namen Sela trägt.

Mehr wunderbare Reflexionen gibt es bei: James


Jetzt ist es Herbst


Jetzt ist es Herbst,
Die Welt ward weit,
Die Berge öffnen ihre Arme
Und reichen dir Unendlichkeit.
Kein Wunsch, kein Wuchs ist mehr im Laub,
Die Bäume sehen in den Staub,
Sie lauschen auf den Schritt der Zeit.

Jetzt ist es Herbst,
das Herz ward weit.
Das Herz, das viel gewandert ist,
Das sich vergnügt mit Lust und List,
Das Herz muß gleich den Bäumen lauschen
Und Blicke mit dem Staube tauschen.
Es hat geküßt, ahnt seine Frist,
Das Laub fällt hin, das Herz vergißt.

Max Dauthendey


Let misty autumn be our part

"Pale amber sunlight falls across
The reddening October trees,
That hardly sway before a breeze
As soft as summer: summer's loss
Seems little, dear! on days like these.

Let misty autumn be our part!
The twilight of the year is sweet:
Where shadow and the darkness meet
Our love, a twilight of the heart
Eludes a little time's deceit.

Are we not better and at home
In dreamful Autumn, we who deem
No harvest joy is worth a dream?
A little while and night shall come,
A little while, then, let us dream.

Beyond the pearled horizons lie
Winter and night: awaiting these
We garner this poor hour of ease,
Until love turn from us and die
Beneath the drear November trees.” 

― Ernest Dowson


Golden October day at Magdeburg

October turned my maple's leaves to gold; 
The most are gone now; here and there one lingers; 
Soon these will slip from out the twig's weak hold, 
Like coins between a dying miser's fingers.

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Water games on the Cathedral Place, Magdeburg. The building at the background with this beautiful golden balls on its roof is the famous Grüne Zitadelle, an Architectural Masterpiece by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. I've posted a series of photos about this fantastic location--> here


Mittag im September


All photos are taken during a lovely Autumn break in South Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg, and Baden-Baden and around.


Delicious Autumn


Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird 
I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. 

- George Eliot

We've a lot of rivers and lakes at our surrounding and thousands of migration birds take a stop there. I've heard the voices of the wanderers often, but they touches my heart again and again. 

September Poem


"The breezes taste 
Of apple peel. 
The air is full 
Of smells to feel- 
Ripe fruit, old footballs, 
Burning brush, 
New books, erasers, 
Chalk, and such. 
The bee, his hive, 
Well-honeyed hum, 
And Mother cuts 
Like plates washed clean 
With suds, the days 
Are polished with 
A morning haze. "

-  John Updike, September


My North - Toewerland



“The world is full of magic things, patiently 
waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” 

― W.B. Yeats

"Toewerland" (means magic land) is an other name for Juist, a very beautiful Frisian Island 
located in the North Sea. This is a view from Juist to the neighbor island Norderney.

Linked up with: 

little things


I think it's important to find the little things 
in everyday life that make you happy. 

Paula Cole


My North - the only one


“It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth – 
and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up – 
that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.”

– Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Just back from a lovely trip to the beautiful island of Juist, North Sea, where we spend some very relaxing days. Perfect point for calming down and enjoying the healing power of serenity, wind, clouds and sea. 
I wish you all a wonderful Sunday.

xx, Isabella 


... and then


“...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?” 

― Vincent van Gogh


My North - it's feeling


“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, 
then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.”

— Don McCullin


Mein Norden - die Sprache aller Zeiten


Der Baum, dessen Laub rauscht, die Heide, deren Blüten duften, das ist für mich die große Historie, die unvergänglich ist, wenn ich ihre Sprache richtig spreche, so werde ich die Sprache aller Zeiten sprechen.

Théodore Rousseau 


square or landscape format - I couldn't decide which one I love more. what do you think? 

Have a wonderful and great Sunday dear friends. 

xx,  Isabella 

these photos are taken at the beautiful area of Wilsede, Lüneburg Heath - North Germany




Golddurchflammte Ätherwogen,
Schwerer Äste grüne Bogen,
Süß verwob'ne Träumerei'n…
Sommer, deine warmen Farben,
Helle Blumen, gold'ne Garben
Leuchten mir ins Herz hinein…

In dem Wald, dem dämm'rig düstern,
Hörst du's rauschen, lispeln, flüstern,
Elfenmärchen – Duft und Schaum…?
Blumenkinder nicken leise,
Lauschen fromm der alten Weise
Von des Waldes Sommertraum…


Lisa Baumfeld, 1877 - 1897

