Hallo lieber Gast

Hallo lieber Gast, willkommen in den klaren Weiten im Norden Deutschlands, begleite mich auf meinen Pfaden durch die Natur, Ausflügen und Reisen, auf der Suche nach Ruhe und Anregung. Entdecke mit mir Linien und Freiräumen, die die Perspektiven, die Vielfalt der Farben und Formen dieser Welt und unserer Natur uns bieten und genieße Momente der Nachdenklichkeit, Poesie und philosophischen Worte großer Dichter und Denker, manchmal auch meine eigenen lyrischen Texte dazu.

Schön, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast - wunderbar, Dich hier zur wissen!

" Ich muss mich ganz im Stillen mit meiner Außenwelt reiben,. sonst werde ich untauglich für die Welt."

- Paula Modersohn-Becker

My North - Missing light


To love beauty is to see light.

- Victor Hugo

We haven't had much light during the last weeks. Rain and fog, fog and rain, that's the whole program. So it's a real highlight to watch soft sundown. 

linked with: Skywatch Friday Image-in-Ing - My Corner of the World - Sunday Best


Mein Norden - Toward

 Toward his critics, the artist harbors a defensive ace:
the knowledge that the future will erase the present.

Louise Gluck

linked with: Skywatch Friday Image-in-Ing  H2O-Thursday - My Corner of the World - Sunday Best

Ice-Lanterns and a bit Game of Thrones


“My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away
like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.”

― George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows


study the past 2024


- January 2024

On a cold winter day we made a visit at Lüneburg, where we'd lived some years long ago and visited the famous Monastery Lüneburg. 


Study the past, if you would divine the future.

- Confucius

- February 2024

I discovered some beautiful cat baskets on Instagram and reactivated my crotched skills. Coralie love her new created chilling places. 

- March 2024

In March we spend some wonderful, cold, and windy days on the Frisian Island Sylt. 

- April 2024

I never get tiered of this first view in the morning. Especially when Spring arrived. 

- Mai 2024

May is always one of the best months of the year for me. Nature is in full bloom; the temperatures are stabil higher again, it is my birthday month, asparagus season, and the first strawberries are growing on the fruit farms around us. 

- June 2024

It was perfect weather for a garden photo shooting with or sweet neighbor girl Paula. We had so much fun together. 

- Juli 2024

Juli brought a lot of rain and impressive skies. 

- August 2024

The sea was calling and we loved to stay at Heiligenhafen, Baltic Sea. We had such a great room with a fantastic sea view day and night. 

- September 2024

We'd decided to spend some days on Sylt Island again and had a late summer fun some at the beach. 

- October 2024

For a long time, I had wished to discover more castles and palaces in Sachsen-Anhalt, so we visited the gorgeous water castle Flechtingen. 

- November 2024

November brought early twilight, fog, rain, snow, and awesome sundowns. 

- December 24

Fortunately, Christmas markets are back, and the one in our beautiful half-timbered town of Celle is considered one of the most enchanting in all of Northern Germany. 

 I'm so grateful for this marvelous year full of unforgettable moments and I hope that you enjoy this review as much as I do. 

All my best wishes to 2025 dear friends. Thanks for your continuing interest, support and wonderful comments and inspiration. 

Hugs and Kisses

your isabella 
