
The Beauty of Herrenhausen Gardens - 2

The Great Parterre with the wonderful Bell Fountain placed in the center looks perfect and planted thousands of flowers at the borders were overwhelming.

The baroque garden remained virtually unchanged as a witness of his time. Hannover has an exceptional woman to thank for the greatest treasure that the city possesses: the Baroque garden in Herrenhausen was created by Electress Sophie (1630-1714).

Music, dance and theatre at Herrenhausen – this tradition thrives today with drama in the hedge theatre, concerts, festivals, world-class small-scale performing arts and international fireworks competitions to enliven Grosser Garten in Herrenhausen all year round.

The summer residence of the Royal House of Hanover was destroyed in the Second World War. Now it has been rebuilt on the original site to the original plans and filled with life for modern times.

Taking a little refreshment blown by the wind at the Bell Fountain was really beautiful during the warmer and warmer temperatures at this day.

Everywhere where places created for the Little Festival in the Great GardenIt was a little bit like time traveling and and we would not have wondered if a Baroc lady had come out from behind the next hedge.

Next week this lovely walk with you will be continued. So don't miss my weekly posts here. 

I wish you all a great and relaxing weekend, 

Sincerely yours,



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