
The Beauty of Herrenhausen Gardens - 1

The Royal Garden of Herrenhausen, Hannover is one of my all time favorite parks and I'm very pleased living near to it. Two weeks ago at a bright and very warm - in the afternoon really hot day I've spent a wonderful walk with a good friend.

The Garden was in perfect conditions, because in the evening one of the yearly big events started - The Little Festival in the Great Garden. And so the garden shows its very best side. Perfect timing for a photo walk.

It was early in the morning and so the park was not over crowded. The planting was breathtakingly beautiful and the two large fountains (Bell Fountain and the Large Fountain) were fortunately turned on.

The best overview to the jewel in the crown, the Great Parterre and the Bell Fountain on can take from the Great Cascade which is the oldest sculpture in this amazing baroque Garden.

One view and you know why you MUST climb up the stairs of this sculpture.

The black color is a result of the World War 2 and the bombing. Because the building stands next to the castle, which has been completely destroyed. The palace is rebuilt and now a congress centre, and if you got time, you should also visit the museum – it is quite small, but gives a flavour of the historical importance of Herrenhausen and the Royal family.

Next week this lovely walk with you will be continued. So don't miss my weekly posts here. 

I wish you all a great and relaxing weekend, 

Sincerely yours,



5 Kommentare:

  1. In diesem blühenden und wunderschön angelegten Park ist es sicher eine Freude zu verweilen.

    1. Ja, Lieselotte und es ist zu jeder Jahreszeit dort ganz bezaubernd. Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch und die nette Rückmeldung.

  2. Beautiful gardens indeed, and what a privilege to live near by. Bell fountain looks amazing!

    1. Many thanks for your lovely feedback. More bell fountain photos next week ;-)



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