
study the past 2019

I'm starting off the year with a cold, so I'm a little bit late with my review of the year. But nevertheless, I hope you like it. 

- January 2019

My North - the winter view from our garden over the fields.

Study the past, if you would divine the future.

- Confucius

- February 2019

Dwarf Iris (Iris reticulata) are always the first blooms in our Cottage Garden, which shows winters' power is broken.

- March 2019

Good Morning Hamburg! I enjoyed the visit to our old great love, Hamburg, very much. The hotel was brilliant and the view out of our room amazing.

- April 2019

finally, Spring has arrived and our beech forests around are irresistible fresh, sunny and green.

- Mai 2019

into the blue - we spend a wonderfully relaxing week at our favorite island Fuerteventura, Canary Islands - Spain

- Juni 2019

This guy discovered our really tiny pond. Only a flower pot with a small fountain, but no real space for such a big frog. Nevertheless, he liked it at his new home for the whole summer.

- Juli 2019

Best time for a further visit to my favorite park nearby, Royal Garden of Herrenhausen, Hannover. One of the most famous Baroque Garden in the World. Here you can find more posts about my visits: Herrenhäuser Gärten

- August 2019

spending a wonderful and inspiring time during my exhibition at Zuerich. We've enjoyed the fantastic kitchen and the lovely surrounding at Lake Zuerich very much.

- September 2019

No, not a journey to Korea, this is taken during a visit to our International Windmill Museum, Gifhorn. And yes, it is an original Watermill from the mountain region Sobaek, in Korea.

- October 2019

A highlight of the year was my travel to Chicago. Family visiting with an amazing culture program and a fantastic Watercolor Masterclass with Thomas Schaller

- November 2019

Another highlight was our short trip to Vienna! Here you can see Castle Schoenbrunn.

- December 2019

We found time for a journey into our past and visited the Christmas Market Lunenburg (Lüneburg), Lower Saxony - North Germany. Long ago we had a wonderful time there for a few years.

I'm so grateful for this marvelous year full of unforgettable moments and I hope that you enjoy this review as much as I do. 

All my best wishes for 2020 dear friend. 

Hugs and Kisses

yours isabella 


11 Kommentare:

  1. This is a wonderful review! It's impossible to pick a favorite, as all are outstanding. Wishing you a happy 2020!

    1. Thank you so very much for your lovely response!! Wishing you a very happy and health 2020 as well, dear friend.


  2. Very very nice pics, the first one is my favorite.
    Happy 2020, Isabella !

    1. Ganz lieben Dank, Karl! Ich wünsche dir von Herzen ein gutes neues Jahr.


  3. It's a year well spent. I love your photos.

    1. Oh, yes, I absolutely agree with you. A year like no other!!
      Thank you so very much.


  4. heute morgen müde und etwas kraftlos, habe ich in dein blog geschaut und wie ergreifend dein jahresrückblick, und ich habe mir dann auch sogleich das erste foto, als mein liebstes ausgesucht. diese zarten bäume im warmen stillen licht. ein teil der welt, unberührt von missmut und lärm. und ich denke: es gibt das reine, schöne, es gibt das wunder! ich danke dir für das lächeln, das du mir heute morgen geschenkt hast, liebe isabella! und ich hoffe, es geht dir wieder gut! renée

    1. Wie schön, dass du dir eben dieses "herausgepickt" hast. Ich werde dieses Anblicks auch nie müde, habe ich ihn doch jeden Morgen.

      Werde mir bloss nicht auch krank. Ich komme nur schwerlich auf die Bein und kann mich nicht erinnern, in den letzten 10 Jahren so erkältet gewesen zu sein.

      Alles Liebe und stärkende Grüße

  5. Wow, what a great review! Fantastic photos. Sorry I just noticed you linked up this post. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day and week ahead!

    1. Thank you so very much, Eileen. I'm very happy that you take your time for visit and such a lovely comment here.

      Warmest regards,


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