
September Poem


"The breezes taste 
Of apple peel. 
The air is full 
Of smells to feel- 
Ripe fruit, old footballs, 
Burning brush, 
New books, erasers, 
Chalk, and such. 
The bee, his hive, 
Well-honeyed hum, 
And Mother cuts 
Like plates washed clean 
With suds, the days 
Are polished with 
A morning haze. "

-  John Updike, September


6 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful poem and images. Popping over from #mysundayphoto

  2. Beautiful tones, feels so much like autumn

    Thank you for linking up

  3. The colours in the photo are everything Autumn, it's lovely! #MySundayPhoto

  4. Beautiful images, I love the light and colours


  5. September looks so nice in your photos. You add a beautiful poem to it. Thanks for sharing:)


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