
My North - Toewerland



“The world is full of magic things, patiently 
waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” 

― W.B. Yeats

"Toewerland" (means magic land) is an other name for Juist, a very beautiful Frisian Island 
located in the North Sea. This is a view from Juist to the neighbor island Norderney.

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6 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Isabella! I haven't posted on The World in B&W for quite a while. I just went there and noticed that you had stopped posting. I love your photos, and here I am! I hope you are doing well...

    1. What a lovely surprise, many thanks Pat for your kind stopping by and your wonderful comments, so much appreciate. Yes, thanks I'm fine and hope you too dear friend.

      Send your huge hugs

  2. To forgot to say that I love this photo. It is great, and even better when enlarged!


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