
my north - the magic of autumn woods - 2


The trees are whispering to me, reminding me of my roots, 
and my reach... shhhhhh... can you hear them? Selflessly sharing their subtle song. 

- Jeb Dickerson


7 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful tree and the quote, it is superb. Cheers Isabella.

  2. ...reminding me of my roots! Oh ja! Ich liebe die lichten Buchenwaelder und die vielen Birken. Die hingeduckten Bäume der norddeutschen "Knicks". Die einsamen Häuser auf den Warften umgeben von alten Eichen.Heimweh!

  3. What an elegant image - so simple, and yet so hard to pull myself away from...
    I love the little snail in the next post, too!!

  4. Wonderfull autumn landscape foto, greeting from Belgium.

  5. I love this. It feels so peaceful and lush.
    Happy October to you!


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