
ein kleines Glück


… ein kleines Glück – das ist doch immer etwas Anständiges.

- Maxim Gorki


14 Kommentare:

  1. I love so much this amazing gentleness! I love how light shines through all these colorful leaves and flowers and this tender snail who is enjoying her little wonderful world.

    Isabella, this is an outstanding and very poetic photograph.

    Wish you a beautiful sunny week.

    1. Dear Kaya,
      many thanks for your so kind and wonderful comment!! I'm so glad that you like! I admire your work very much.

      My very best regards and I wish you a sunny and beautiful week, my friend.

      xo, isabella

  2. Hallo Isabella,
    die Farben allein schon sind bezaubernd, aber auch das Licht und wie Du es abgebildet hast, ist allerliebst.
    Viele Grüße Synnöve

    1. Ganz lieben Dank, Synnöve, für deine so schöne Reaktion und erst recht, für den lieben Besuch!!

  3. Si petit, mais si important pour qui sait voir!
    Bonne journée.

  4. quand on est photographe est peintre, il est important de savoir regarder !
    l'escargot est très photogénique et ton image est pleine de douces couleurs
    je t'embrasse Isabella

  5. This is an image that my friend and pro art photographer James Longster could have recognised as his own! Putting the main point of interest almost in the corner, thus happily going against the rule of the two-thirds of the Hated Book of Rules, that's quite good, one needs to look once again to take in the whole meaning of the image.

    I've boosted it to fullscreen mode for my graphic monitor. The image appears differently in that case, it has much more to say. We should never look at images in small formats, never. Just an idea…

    1. Many thanks for your so kind words …
      I send you a larger version …

      just an idea ;-)

      je t’embrasse


  6. Love the snail photo, the narrow depth of field gives it a wonderful look.

    I've started a linky on my blog that I would love you to link up with it is called photo of the week and the aim is to get photographers/bloggers linking up their best shots of the week, I hope you will come join us (sorry hate to post the link like this but really would love you to link up).

    1. Many thanks for your so kind comment!! Okay, I'll come and share my work on your blog.


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