
Alsace - an old love - part two


Traveling through Elsass during the late Summer or Fall is very delightful. 

We especially love visiting the so-called Potters' Villages Soufflenheim and Betschdorf. 

Nice photogenic motives at every corner.

On this web side: Potters' Villages of Alsace you can read some interesting facts about this special region

If you love this traditional rustic ceramic, you should definitely buy it directly from the manufacturer.

Eating and drinking well is also an absolute must. The cuisine in Alsace is as rustic as the ceramics, but just as delicious as you would expect from France.

Traditional costumes in Alsace. 

A Catholic Alsatian woman will wear the "Kutt", a long red skirt while a Protestant Alsatian woman will wear the "rock", shorter and of green, blue, red or purple colour according to the liturgical calendar. The male costume is simpler: a red waistcoat over a white shirt with a black pant is the most important element.

The whole atmosphere in the charming villages is quiet and tranquil, the people are friendly and the entire surroundings are beautiful.

It is impossible to leave without a new piece of ceramic.

And then there is the delicious wine of Alsace...

I hope you enjoy this September journey. 

A bientôt!


Part one of this Alsace story you can enjoy -> here


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