
Southern Corners 40 - island Fuerteventura



Visiting my beloved island Fuerteventura means not only staying at the ocean and watching the blue and the waves for hours and hours. 

It is also the peaceful and very quiet atmosphere around our lovely house. The small things glowing in the golden light of silent days which fill heart and soul again. 

Smelling the scent of blooming oleanders and salt in the air, listening to the quiet cooing of the pigeons... 

... and looking forward to a delicious fish dinner at the seaside restaurant. 

Home again the sundown is kissing the mountains and we are surely in heaven, we know it. 

In the south the senses are heightened. The hands become more agile,
the eye more attentive and the thinking clearer.

Vincent van Gogh

4 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful photos. It does look like heaven!

  2. A most beautiful place. Wow. Great shots and I love your fish dinner.

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