
Southern Corners 25 - Menorca's Silence


  “I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. 
It has a quality and a dimension all its own.”

― Chaim Potok, The Chosen

Menorca is one of the marvelous Spanish Balearean islands located in the Mediterranean Sea and if you can visit this gorgeous spot during the pre-or after-season. It's incredibly beautiful and silent and it's easy to discover wonderful places only on you alone. 

Skywatch Friday - Our World Tuesday - Image-in-Ing - Travel Tuesday - Through my Lens 



8 Kommentare:

  1. Greetings and Salutations! What a beautiful shoreline of white buildings. What are the yellow floats for? Shallow water? No Wake? or? I really like the last photograph. Yes, being with silence everyday is important so we can learn from it. Have a great week.

    1. Warmest thanks for your lovely feedback. But sorry, I've no idea for what the yellow floats are for. I'm sure, it has something to do with boats and swimming people.

  2. Such an incredibly beautiful location. The water looks perfectly clear!

    1. Yes, isn't it. It gives me some hope that the water in the Mediterranean Sea is so clear and full of life and fishes.

  3. Swungby from #SkyWatch but that seascape is beautiful - what colour!

  4. You´re lucky to get stroll in that beautiful place. Nice photography too.


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