
Losing a pet


Golden Eyes

When golden eyes no longer glow,
and we both know it’s time to go,

Don’t look at me with eyes so sad,
but think of better times we had,

When sunlight did upon us shine,
and happy days were yours and mine,

And through the grass we both did run,
and on our backs we felt the sun,

Think not of this dark final hour,
think not of when our lives turned sour,

Think not of hopelessness and pain,
but think of joy and laugh again,

For in that final act of love,
you released me to heaven above,

Where finally from pain I’m free,
where one day you will join with me,

Where together again we will rejoice,
and you and I as with one voice,

Will in perfect harmony sing,
of the joy and pain that love can bring,

And remember me just as I will,
always think of you until,

At last, again I see your face,
grieve not, I am in a better place.

Carol Walker

In addition to the unbearably painful loss of my beloved father in March of this year, there is now also the difficult farewell to my Xenia after 17 wonderful years in our life. 

 shared with: Sandy's Feline Friday


5 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful and I too know this pain. They are so precious.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  2. Beaucoup de tristesse, à la perte de nos chers compagnons à quatre pattes! De tout coeur avec toi, amicalement.


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