
Der Monat der Gärtner


Der April ist der rechte und gesegnete Monat des Gärtners. Die Verliebten sollen uns ungeschoren lassen mit ihrem vielgepriesenen Mai; im Mai blühen die Bäume und Blumen nur, aber im April schlagen sie aus; glaubt mir, dieses Keimen und Ausschlagen, diese Knospen, Knösplein und Keimlinge sind die größten Wunder der Natur.

Karel Čapek, 1890 - 1938

So geht es mir auch, Jahr für Jahr überkommt mich im April die gleiche Begeisterung bei den Gartenrundgängen in diesem Frühlingsmonat und besonders in dieser anstrengenden und belastenden Zeit ist es mir eine riesige Freude, das Erwachen der Natur in den kleinen ersten Anzeichen von Wachstum zu bestaunen und als tiefes Glücksgefühl zu empfinden. 


April is the right and most blessed month for the gardener. The lovers should leave us alone with their much-touted May; in May the trees and flowers only bloom, but in April they sprout; Believe me, this sprouting and sprouting, these buds, knobs and seedlings are the greatest miracles of nature.

Karel Čapek, 1890-1938

The same thing happens to me, year after year in April the same enthusiasm comes over me on the garden tours in this spring month and especially in this stressful and stressful time it is a huge pleasure for me to marvel at the awakening of nature in the small first signs of growth and to feel as a deep feeling of happiness.

Our World Tuesday - Wordless Wednesday - My Corner of the World -
Through my Lens No. 283 - AWWW-Monday  - Floral Friday


6 Kommentare:

  1. Yes, spring is an amazing time of year with all the beautiful buds popping up! It's a bit of hope for the rest of the year.

    It's terrific to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  2. Your photos of spring awakening are always so beautiful, so tender and poetic.
    Best spring wishes!

  3. Oh my what beautiful shots. Someone has a very good green thumb and someone has a way with a camera.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  4. Gorgeous spring flowers! Thank you for sharing your photos. We hope that you have a marvellously happy day!

  5. Beautiful blooms, Loved the primroses shot. It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening, Nature and birds here at


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