
My North - Aller Wehr at Celle


North of the old town of Celle, the Aller forks into two arms and there has been a weir system with a water mill at this point since the Middle Ages. The goods transported by water were transshipped around the weir and the river as an official federal waterway ends here today.

The Allerwehr is very picturesque with its historical machine house and the mansion mill: the water of the river plunges several meters down the two steps of the bulwark, which is now a listed building.

Skywatch Friday - My Corner of the World - Our World Tuesday - Through My Lens No. 280

- AWWW-Monday - Travel Tuesday  - Weekend Reflection 


4 Kommentare:

  1. I googled a bit, looks like a nice area, with interesting bike paths. if ever borders get opened... here I come ;-)

    1. Oh yes, please do it!! It would be fantastic to meet you in person, so don't hesitate to contact me if you visit our beautiful region.

      warmest regards,

  2. That looks like a wonderfully quiet place to spend some time! Your photos with the reflections are marvelous to see!

    Your link is a welcome addition to My Corner of the World' this week!

    1. Thank you very much for your lovely feedback and visit, Betty!

      xx, isabella


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