
Study the Past - 2020


This year I wasn't sure if I have enough nice moments from 2020 to share them with you, but I love traditions and so I give it a try. All is said about last year's complications...

- January 2020

My North - a spectacular winter walk at the river Aller with awesome nature moments. 

Study the past, if you would divine the future.

- Confucius

- February 2020

Clematis seeds - I love taking macros at our cottage garden in the wintertime if one must look very closely at nature's artwork. 

- March 2020

Early signs of Spring this year! 

- April 2020

Happy Easter wishes from our sweet neighbor's girls during Corona lock-down

- Mai 2020

Painting Holidays in my own garden. I enjoy the beauty of nature and the calm atmosphere. Not so bad at least. 

- June 2020

June is the rose- and strawberries month and I couldn't say what I love more.

- Juli 2020

Living in the countryside and we live really at end of our small village is so lovely because you're always connected with the rhythm of nature. 

- August 2020

A highlight of the year was our trip to the Harz Mountains. We visit the city of Goslar and the Okertalsperre. 

- September 2020

Autumn's colors come to the garden and so we enjoy the last warm days outside.

- October 2020

Breathtaking autumn moments right on your own doorstep. 

- November 2020

One of my best decision this year was to join for 12 months Jean Haines Online Artschool For years I haven't painted as much as in 2020 and it was so very beautiful forgetting the world outside and only enjoying the creative process. 

- December 20

We'd a calm and very family-friendly ending to the year 2020 and my 92 yearold father was such a wonderful guest to have during the Christmas days. 

I'm so grateful for this marvelous year full of unforgettable moments and I hope that you enjoy this review as much as I do. 

All my best wishes to 2021 dear friends. 

Hugs and Kisses

your isabella 


7 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful captures ! Cherry blossom blooms are beautiful . It would be my pleasure if you share your post in my link up party Garden affair where you can share anything related to Gardening, Nature and plants here at

  2. Beautiful photos!
    This strange year hasn't been so bad at all for us who own a garden, and are able to enjoy the nature.

    1. Yes, we must be thankful and I am!! Many thanks for your kind comment and visit.


  3. Beautiful capture ! Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.

  4. sehr schöne Bilder
    jedes für ein Kalendeblatt gut ;)

    liebe Grüße


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