
Christmas Thoughts - Kurrenden Singers


Carol-singing goes back to the late Middle Ages. Even Martin Luther was a caroller! The German phrase is Kurrende, which says as much as those who walk around. In the old days, children went around their home places to bring people comfort and joy. They did so in Advent and at Christmas as well as at christening and wedding ceremonies, and at funerals. Toy-makers in the Ore Mountains, East Germany has come out with wooden Kurrende articles, which have made the tradition well-known all over the world.

Being a member of a Kurrende chorus is seen as a great honor. At the same time, of course, it means members are very busy, especially in Advent: They sing at five Advent concerts in our church, after which they go round to take the Christmas message to every home. They are also part of four Advent morning services and on Christmas Eve, they join our traditional lantern parade. In addition, they stage concerts in our Christmas markets. What we should not forget: Their number-one daily activity is school! Anyway, dear boys and girls, you are there, in any weather. 

Es kommt ein Schiff,
geladen bis an sein' höchsten Bord,
trägt Gottes Sohn voll Gnaden,
des Vaters ewig's Wort.

Das Schiff geht still im Triebe,
es trägt ein’ teure Last;
das Segel ist die Liebe,
der Heilig’ Geist der Mast.

Der Anker haft' auf Erden,
da ist das Schiff am Land.
Das Wort tut Fleisch uns werden,
der Sohn ist uns gesandt.

Zu Bethlehem geboren
im Stall ein Kindelein,
gibt sich für uns verloren;
gelobet muß es sein.


  (The Advent chorale "Es kommt ein Schiff geladen" is not only one of the most famous Advent Christmas carols, but also one of the oldest. early 15th Century)

Wishing you a wonderful 3rd Advent! Today we light the third candle on our Advent wreath. 

Sincerely yours, 


1 Kommentar:

  1. Hoping you are finding joy in this Advent season!
    Thank you for sharing at


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