
November's Yellow - My North


"The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of. The mite which November contributes becomes equal in value to the bounty of July."

Henry David Thoreau

Our World Tuesday - My Corner of the World - Image-in-Ing - Through my Lens No. 264

Great Avenue Royal Garden of Herrenhausen, Hannover with 3 parallels alleys. 


8 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful photos with that autumn colors !

  2. Love the photos! Yellow in November is breathtaking!

  3. I would have a hard time choosing a favorite - these are all beautiful shots.
    Thank you so much for sharing at

  4. Wow! What a gorgeous shade of yellow and so many yellow leaves!

    It's great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  5. einfach wunderschön und ich bewundere deinen "blinkwinkel" immer sehr. du scheinst die stimmung, das lebendige der natur auch einfangen zu können. die ergreifenden farben... ich fühle mich ganz berührt und bin eben sprachlos und froh... ! alles liebe dir, renée

  6. Very nice place and beautifully captured too!


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