
Southern Corners 14 - Lago di Como - a world within a world

When everything will be over,
the desire to explore just restarts.

All these wonderful impressions show you the beauty of Bellagio, Lake Como, with the beautiful Villa Melzi and its breathtaking Park.
What is the special about Lake Como? The historic villas and their lush gardens, the beauty of the territory, its charming and elegant towns, the surrounding nature that allows you to take relaxing walks.

For more of my posts about Italy! 

Skywatch Friday - Our World Tuesday - Travel Tuesday - Himmelsblick - Image-in-Ing - Wordless Wednesday 


7 Kommentare:

  1. de belles photos qui font du bien après 2 mois de confinement
    j'espère que tu vas bien et que cette période difficile prendra
    fin très vite !
    je t'embrasse Isabella

  2. What a beautiful series of photos - this place looks so heavenly.
    Thank you for linking up at

  3. wirklich wunderschön und man wünscht sich dort zu sein. alle bilder berühren mich sehr. erhabenheit, stille! ein geschenk in dieser zeit...! lieb grüsst dich, isabella! renée

  4. In picture 4 I see a sky that spreads its own mood and in the previous photo 'Wow' this cloud has power!

  5. Beautiful skies and scenery! I love the bridge and reflection a lot.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World


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