
My North - A March Glee


A March Glee

I hear the wild geese honking
From out the misty night,—
A sound of moving armies
On-sweeping in their might;
The river ice is drifting
Beneath their northward flight.

I hear the bluebird plaintive
From out the morning sky,
Or see his wings a-twinkle
That with the azure vie;
No other bird more welcome,
No more prophetic cry.

I hear the sparrow's ditty
Anear my study door;
A simple song of gladness
That winter days are o'er
My heart is singing with him,
I love him more and more.

I hear the starling fluting
His liquid "O-ka-lee;"
I hear the downy drumming,
His vernal reveillé;
From out the maple orchard
The nuthatch calls to me.

Oh, spring is surely coming.
Her couriers fill the air;
Each morn are new arrivals,
Each night her ways prepare;
I scent her fragrant garments,
Her foot is on the stair.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Your photo is lovely and I can appreciate your words, even if Google doesn't get the translation perfect!

    I'm so happy you are a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

    1. Hi Betty, many thanks for your kind visit and comment. I'm a little bit irritated, there's no need for a translation, because this is a original poems by John Burroughs, written in English. If there are some mistakes, please tell me. Thank you.

      warm regards,

  2. Beautiful photo and poem!

    Happy Monday!


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