
The crocuses were first!


The Crocuses

They heard the South wind sighing
A murmur of the rain;
And they knew that Earth was longing
To see them all again.

While the snow-drops still were sleeping
Beneath the silent sod;
They felt their new life pulsing
Within the dark, cold clod.

Not a daffodil nor daisy
Had dared to raise its head;
Not a fair-haired dandelion
Peeped timid from its bed;

Though a tremor of the winter
Did shivering through them run;
Yet they lifted up their foreheads
To greet the vernal sun.

And the sunbeams gave them welcome.
As did the morning air
And scattered o'er their simple robes
Rich tints of beauty rare.

Soon a host of lovely flowers
From vales and woodland burst;
But in all that fair procession
The crocuses were first.

First to weave for Earth a chaplet
To crown her dear old head;
And to beautify the pathway
Where winter still did tread.

And their loved and white-haired mother
Smiled sweetly 'neath the touch,
When she knew her faithful children
Were loving her so much.

by Frances Ellen Watkins

Yes, these little crocuses are always the first in my garden, strong little beauties. I'm every year again thrilled to discover that they are out. And the early bees love this energy filling station too. 


9 Kommentare:

  1. merveilleuses images comme toi seule sait les faire !
    ces lumières printanières sont un enchantement !

  2. Hallo Isabella,

    sind die Krokusse schon von 2020? Auf jeden Fall verursachen Deine Bilder schon erste Frühlingsgefühle :-)

    LG Bernhard

    1. Hallo Bernhard,
      Die sind tatsächlich schon draußen, es sind immer die ersten, aber auch andere Sorten haben sich schon aus dem Winterschlaf gewagt.
      Wie schön, dass sie dir auch so gut gefallen.

      Liebe Grüße

  3. Wunderschöne Krokusse, Deine Aufnahmen sind der Wahnsinn !!!



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