
March means - a thin silver lining ...


March means - there's a silver lining of Spring and hope for a soon reopening of the outdoor saison on the horizon.

During the last two years we've spend every March some wonderful extended weekends on the island Sylt, North Sea. Not sure about this tradition this year, but I long for the sea very. All shoots during the last Sylt visit are taken with my iPhone, mostly with Hipstamatic App an I like the results.  But the next time I'll take again my Canon with me. There more possibilities includes if I've both with me. 

Just now, Winter is back again with less sun, grey days and low temperatures. But let's look at the silver lining on the horizon and hope the best.

Cordially yours,


For more lovely skies visit Yogi♪♪♪'s : Skywatch Friday
and many other beautiful places you can find on Lady Fi's: Our World Tuesday


3 Kommentare:

  1. Pure scenery, the sand on the beaches, wonderful.

  2. cet endroit est magique ! quelle beauté, ce ciel, ces plages, les herbes folles,
    toute la douceur du Nord !


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