
Huth's Coffee & Deli at Celle


 Huth's Coffee & Deli, located at Celle - Lower Saxony, North Germany is one of these places who allows you a time travel at its best. If you enter this marvelous shop you can smell the most wonderful flavors in the air so as fresh roasted Coffee - self roasted since 110 years and this Coffee taste as wonderful as it smells, or delicious hams from Parma or Black Forest, spices, sauces, salats, liqueurs, chocolate - the homemade Huth Chocolate is the best, teas from everywhere in the world - the list is endless. And all these in a decor like an old movie and with a very friendly and competent service, as from the Victorian era. I love this place very, very much and if you visit Celle - beg you convince yourself.


4 Kommentare:

  1. Absolutely my kind of shop. If Brexit means that I have to leave the UK I will finally be able to come to Germany for a proper Antrittsbesuch. Celle, here I come.


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