
Haus Kliffende, Sylt - House Cliff's End


Schon der Name klingt romantisch und seine gefährdete Lage, aber auch und besonders die Geschichte der illustren Gäste, die das Haus Kliffende beherbergt hat, umgeben dieses schöne Gebäudeensemble mit einem besonderen Flair.


Even the name sounds romantic and its endangered location, but also and especially the history of the illustrious guests who housed at House Cliff's End, are surrounding this beautiful building complex with a special flair.

Thomas Mann schrieb in Gästebuch: 

"Wir reisen wieder einmal. Wie gut, daß Kliffende bleibt.“

– 30. August 1928, Thomas Mann


5 Kommentare:

  1. Charming landscape complemented by an interesting sky. This shot succeeds despite violating the don't have the horizon at the middle 'rule'. I thoroughly enjoyed your Diaschau with photos and your(?)Malerei...

  2. Breaking the rules is funny, isn't it?!! Many thanks for your lovely response, Stanley. So much appreciated.
    Yes, these are my paintings to ... if you like have a peek at my veredit-art

  3. A beautiful photo. I think I could sit on that bench for hours and enjoy the scenery!

  4. Wow refreshing shot . Please check out my photo blog post.

  5. what a wonderful landscape. I like this picture


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