
Southen Corners 4 - Besalú


 “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” 

– Helen Keller

This is the very charming historical (1315) village of Besalú at the province Girona - Catalonia, Spain. Visiting this wonderful place is like traveling directly into the early Middle Ages. It was a lovely painting spot during my watercolor workshop with Joseph Zbukvic organized by EPC art courses in September 2018.

shared with: SkyWatch FridayWordless Wednesday - Our World Tuesday 


5 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, that is beautiful!!! I can see where it would be a great painting spot.

  2. A fabulous atmospheric shot - reeks of history and I can well imagine it presented a glorious painting subject. That quote of Helen Keller's is one of my favourites too! Thank you for sharing Isabella.

  3. A gorgeous village and photo, and it would be so fun to visit and step back into the Middle Ages!

  4. Lovely capture . Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.


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