
Southern Corners 2 - Biniancolla, Menorca


“A good traveler has no fixed plans 
and is not intent on arriving.” 

 ― Lao Tzu

Mit diesem Post starte ich eine neue Serie hier in meinem Foto-Blog. Ich liebe es durch Europas Süden zu reisen und so werde ich unter dem Titel Impressionen posten, die ich dort aufgenommen habe.

Das erste Foto zeigt eines der schönen "Weißen Dörfer" von Menorca - Binancolla, ein kleines, ruhiges und sehr bezauberndes Plätzchen.

With this post, I start a new series here in my Photo Blog. I love traveling through Europa's South and so I'll post under these title impressions done there. 

 This first photo shows you one of the wonderful "White Villages" from Menorca - Biniancolla, a small, calm and charming place.

Our World Tuesday - Skywatch Friday - MySundayPhoto


7 Kommentare:

  1. This looks like a destination with world-class beauty! Great photo.

  2. I agree, but is hard for me not to plan things out. - Margy

  3. Nice capture . Please tell something about my captures on my blog.

  4. That looks so warm and inviting

    Hope you have a good Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  5. so sunny and inviting when it has been raining here!

  6. That is lovely capture . Please tell something about my captures on my blog.

  7. je voyage avec plaisir avec toi grâce à tes photos magnifiques !


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