
My Sunday Photo - she spins gray thrums


Gray Thrums

Which is the cosiest voice,
The piping droning noise
When the kettle hums,
Or this little old-fashioned wheel
Spinning gray thrums?

Gray thrums! What wheel, you ask,
Turns at such pleasant task
With a soft whirr?
Why, the one in pussy's throat
That makes her purr.

Listen the rippling sound,
And think how round and round
The spindle goes,
As the drowsy thread she spins
Drowsily grows.

What will she do with it
When it is finished? Knit
Some mittens new?
Or shuttle it, and weave cloth
As weavers do?

A funny idea that,
A spinning wheel in a cat!
Yet how it hums!
Our puss is gray, so of course
She spins gray thrums.

Clara Doty Bates, 1835 - 1895

Happy Birthday Xenia !! 

 today we celebrate the 13th Birthday of our loveliest spinner ever. 


7 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful words and image. May Yenia has a blissful birthday. Shalom

    1. Thank you very much for kind stopping by and birthday wishes Fabrice.

      Best regards.

  2. Stunning, I love the lighting on this

    Thank you for linking up

  3. Love those words. What a gorgeous pussy cat :-)


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