
My North - a February Poem


"Wishing and wanting
to see you,
I step on thin ice."

-  Madoka Mayuzumi


If you have eyes and a heart for enjoying the small wonderful moments around us there's always a day like this. Crispy cold walk along the river Elbe at Hitzacker. Nature is sleeping and the old river is going on and on. 


6 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful. The big trees along the river really add to the beauty.

  2. that's really nice place for walks.

  3. Beautiful scenes here - looks like it will be a long time before anyone will be swimming, though!


    Thanks for sharing at

  4. ·.
    I really like your photos, especially the last one because it has a very interesting composition.
    I was delighted to see you again on my blog.


    LaMiradaAusente · & · CristalRasgado

  5. wunderschön, weite und stille. ein befreites atmen, ein raum des friedens, unberührt von der wirrnis der zeit...
    lieb grüsst dich, renée


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