
Lüneburg, Lower Saxony - North Germany


it's more then 30 years ago we've lived in this beautiful old town. Lüneburg is a marvelous and very historic city in the north Lower Saxony, North Germany

This time I hadn't much time to photograph until the dawn comes, but I love this blue mood very much and hope you enjoy it too.

this post is part of the beautiful: Travel Tuesday  - Wordless Wednesday - Image-In-Inq

Discover my Lüneburg Story on Steller

3 Kommentare:

  1. Fascinating photos - this looks like a lovely place to visit.
    Thanks for linking up at

  2. wow what an absolute beautiful place I would love to visit It has so much character the buildings and the water Ganz schon

  3. Bella, affascinante vecchia cittadina…un salto nel passato. Bel reportage!
    Ciao Cri


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