
Beautiful Spring


"I was here first," said the snowdrop: "look!"
"Not before me!" sang the silver brook.
"Why," cried the grass, "I've been here a week!"
"So have I, dear," sighed a violet meek.

"Well," piped a bluebird, "don't leave me out!
I saw the snow that lay round about."
"Yes," chirped a snowbird, "that may be true;
But I've seen it all the bleak winter through."

"I came betimes," sang the southwind, "I!"
"After me, love!" spake the deep blue sky.
"Who is it cares?" chimed the crickets gay:
"Now you are here, let us hope you'll stay."

Whispered the sun, "Lo! the winter's past:
What does it matter who's first or last?
Sky, brooks, and flowers, and birdies that sing,
All help to make up the beautiful spring."

George Cooper, 1840 - 1927 

13 Kommentare:

  1. Wunderbare Serie, da kommen direkt Frühlingsgefühle auf!

  2. so pastely and so springy. wonderful!

  3. Beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing at

  4. Bonjour Isabella,
    Wow ! j'adore cette série, bel après-midi, bisous !

  5. la douceur du printemps dans tes images !
    c'est fluide et les couleurs sont tendres et lumineuses
    à la fois ! j'aime ton regard et les sentiments
    que tu mets dans tes photos !
    un délice
    je t'embrasse fort Isabella

  6. Beautiful spring flowers. My daffodils are up already. - Margy

  7. Beautiful photographs of spring flowers.
    JM, Illinois-U.S.A.

  8. Delightful post, Isabella! Both photos and poem are wonderful.
    Many thanks for joining Floral Friday Fotos, your contributions are always appreciated.

  9. Gorgeous spring shots.

  10. Liebe Isabella
    Wunderschön wie du den Frühling einfangen konntest!
    Ich wünsche dir ein traumhaftes Wochenende... Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch die Sonne zu Besuch....
    Herzlichst Brigitte


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