
A March Glee


I hear the sparrow's ditty
      Anear my study door;
      A simple song of gladness
      That winter days are o'er;
      My heart is singing with him,
      I love him more and more....

Oh, Spring is surely coming,
      Her couriers fill the air;
      Each morn are new arrivals,
      Each night her ways prepare;
      I scent her fragrant garments,
      Her foot is on the stair.

- John Burroughs

Ich wünsche euch allen von Herzen einen herrlich kreativen, 
sonnigen und so richtig freudvollen März.

Alles Liebe Eure



5 Kommentare:

  1. friends meet friends is opened for this week! P.

  2. The first spring flowers! I am so delighted just to look at them. They are so gentle and tender!!!

    Dear Isabella, thank you very much for this incredibly beautiful spring photograph! You made me long even more for the spring ( we are still in the winter till March 21st).

    I am sending to you my warmest wishes. You are my biggest inspiration and you always be this way!!!

  3. Das wünsche ich dir auch von ganzen Herzen.....
    Wettermässig liegt das noch eine enorme Steigerung drin.... aber sonst sind gestern gleich drei Freudenspenderchen angekommen....
    Heb's fein

  4. wie schön diese blumen und vor allem die farben. sie sind so "freudespendend", so rein und leuchtend. dir liebe grüsse von renée

  5. Beautiful Spring flowers from your garden and such a lovely poem.
    Happy Sunday!
    Hugs and kisses
    xoxoxo ♡


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