
Witchhazel & Elfin Song


Elfin Song 

Ouphe and goblin! imp and sprite!
Elf of eve! and starry Fay!
Ye that love the moon’s soft light,
Hither—hither wend your way;
Twine ye in a jocund ring,
Sing and trip it merrily,
Hand to hand, and wing to wing,
Round the wild witch-hazel tree.

Hail the wanderer again,
With dance and song, and lute and lyre.
Pure his wing and strong his chain,
And doubly bright his fairy fire.
Twine ye in an airy round,
Brush the dew and print the lea;
Skip and gambol, hop and bound,
Round the wild witch-hazel tree.

The beetle guards our holy ground,
He flies about the haunted place,
And if mortal there be found,
He hums in his ears and flaps his face;
The leaf-harp sounds our roundelay,
The owlet ’s eyes our lanterns be;
Thus we sing, and dance, and play,
Round the wild witch-hazel tree

by Joseph Rodman Drake, 1795 - 1820


5 Kommentare:

  1. What a beautiful plant, I love the different colours.

  2. Oh wow this is stunning! I have never seen these before, they are so different and pretty!

  3. Hola, Isabella.
    Tienes un blog con una imágenes preciosas. Enhorabuena !!!
    El pasado día 7 publicaste un comentario en mi blog, en la entrada "otra vez sale el Sol" y por algún error involuntario lo he borrado. Lo siento mucho.
    Un saludo.


  4. Your photos are superb.
    You are great dear friend.


    · LMA · & · CR ·

  5. Delightful photos, Isabella, and a nice poem too...
    Many thanks for participating in the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


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