
the glint of green is there


Yesterday the twig was brown and bare;
To-day the glint of green is there;
Tomorrow will be leaflets spare;
I know no thing so wondrous fair,
No miracle so strangely rare.
I wonder what will next be there!

- L.H. Bailey


10 Kommentare:

  1. These looks like beautiful delicate butterflies. Great capture.

  2. What beautiful photos, love the Spring like colours

    Thank you for linking up

  3. Hi Isabella, long time not see. delighted to be back and catch up with your beautiful work

  4. So, so pretty! A sight we never see in our hot land.

  5. welch wunderbare entdeckung, ein bild der hoffnung! schönheit in einem ganz besonderen licht! ich liebe diese bilder sehr und danke dir dafür, liebe isabella!

  6. We posted the same flower this week =) #mysundayphoto

  7. Such beautiful flowers and green foliage dear Isabella!
    xoxoxo ♡


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