
Rosen und Dichter - If Roses load the Air


I question not if thrushes sing,
If roses load the air;
Beyond my heart I need not reach
When all is summer there.

- John Vance Cheney

... this is the beautiful Rambling Rose "Bobbie James" in my Garden. It's a one time blowing rose, but breathtaking in fragrance and opulence. I've use the gorgeous texture "Carmel" from KimKlassen for this image. 


10 Kommentare:

  1. ... so schön uns zart und edel - man mag nur ganz vorsichtig hinsehen - man will ja nichts kaputtgucken ...

    Super schönes Bild.

    Liebe Grüße - Monika

  2. So soft and pure beauty of white roses!
    Have a great Sunday, Isabella!

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  3. Beautiful image, excellent use of light and depth of field to create the softness


  4. Poetisch... In Wort und Bild.

    Mit sonnigen Grüßen, Heidrun

  5. Such a Summery photo, I love the focus of this

    Thank you for linking up

  6. How pretty. Love how you framed the bloom and the buds, gorgeous picture.

  7. Sam urok i to w mojej ulubionej bieli.

  8. Airy and so beautiful! Breathtaking photograph with a beautiful artistic vision.

    Dear Isabella, I wish you a nice week and creative.

  9. Stunning shot and use of light! #mysundayphoto

  10. Wonderful high key image - very summery mood, Isabella!
    Thanks for taking part in Floral Friday Fotos and I look forward to your next contribution.


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