
I'll never forget you


In der Erinnerung gibt es keine Grenzen; nur im Vergessen liegt eine Kluft,
unüberwindlich für eure Stimme und euer Auge.

- Khalil Gibran 



8 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Isabella,

    Thanks for playing today.

    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  2. such tender little forget me nots… beautiful as always Isabella! Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

  3. Wow it is so beautiful, composition, color, and light, my favorite. I love the bokeh too! I am also a Khalil Gibran follower, althouth i don't know its translation.

  4. beautiful and inpiring :-)
    hugs Halina

  5. Romantica in mezzo al mondo…stupenda foto! ciao Cri : )

  6. Fantastische Aufnahme einer so zarten und kleinen Blume! Wie immer untermalt von einem wunderbarem Vers.

  7. Love this share! I am enjoying my visits today and try to stop by each Blue Monday post. Have a great week and thank you for sharing.

  8. Preciosa foto, parece que esté suspendida en el aire...



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