
Clarity, 5 - Friday Finds - mein Norden


Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, 
whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, 
giving birth to evolution. 

- Albert Einstein 

If I want to find energy and power, I go in our light-filled North German birch forests ... and there I always found it, the clarity of nature ...


6 Kommentare:

  1. Yes, I like, very beautiful like a dream, I feel very intriguing, wonderful colors !!

  2. Feen tanzen....das sehe ich wenn ich mir das Foto anschaue. Schönen Sonntag für Dich.

  3. une image superbe faite avec le coeur
    beau dimanche Isabella
    big bisous

  4. Love this beautiful scene and the quote :-)

  5. Me encantan todas las fotos que nos dejas.



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