
january pastels, 5


A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.

- Diane Arbus


9 Kommentare:

  1. Che dolcezza questa foto nei suoi colori e forme! Complimenti, ciao Cri : )

  2. merci pour cette douceur après tant de violence
    je suis Charlie
    je t'embrasse Isabella

    1. je te remercie beaucoup !!!
      je suis Charlie
      je t'embrasse Kris

  3. A photograph is a secret in a secret. The less it tells you, the best it is.

    Well, not always. This one tells me a lot. Am I psychic? Maybe it's because it is extraordinarily beautiful.

    1. ;-) ... let's hope the best

      but I think, you're not psychic. Of course not, you're a very talented and very empathetic person, it is that simple.
      ... thank your so much for your gorgeous support, my Canadian friend.

  4. Dear Isabella, photographs just as pints! This is beautiful!


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