
my north - a hipsta story 1


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

― H. Jackson Brown Jr., P.S. I Love You

Segelschulschiff "Deutschland" in der Havenwelt, Bremerhaven


11 Kommentare:

  1. This looks like an old image of a sailboat! I like the effects!!!

  2. tu as fait un joli travail sur cette image ! elle ouvre la porte aux rêves de voyages !
    big bisous Isabella

    1. du kennst mich liebe Kris, ich habe immer Fernweh ... und das spiegelt sich dann auch in meinen Bildern.
      Ich freue mich über deine Empathie liebe Freundin.

      bisous bisous pour toi aussi.

  3. Hello dear Isabella, I'm finally back from our last trip. I love this image and its atmosphere. I tried all my Photoshop dirty tricks and then some, but I could not decipher the name of this 3-mast except for a few letters. Judging by the equipment on board, it must be fairly recent Could you tell me what's her name? :-)

    1. Hello dear Roger,
      so nice to read you again and I hope you've had a very nice time. The name of this old Lady is "Sailing School Ship Germany". The Schulschiff Deutschland was given in 1927 by the German Training Ship Club as the fourth merchant marine training ship in series.

      From 1927 to 1939 she undertook training trips overseas and in North and Baltic Sea.

      During World War II cruises were limited and these trips were only held in the Baltic Sea. After the war the ship was delivered up as war reparations, returned in 1952.

      Between 1949 and 1952, she served three years as a hostel before it was subsequently used in Bremen as a stationary training ship for seamen students.

      In 1994 she was protected by law as a floating monument and renovated in 1995/1996 in Bremen-Vegesack.[1]

      Until July 2001 ship mechanic students lived on board, taking their classroom training in a school center in Bremen. With the cessation of such training in Bremen, this aspect of the ships's Nautical School was closed.

      Today, the Schulschiff Deutschland is located in Bremen-Vegesack where it can be viewed as a maritime memorial or used as overnight accommodation. It can also be booked for celebrations, seminars and exhibitions for events. Once a month (all year), civil weddings are performed and participants can stay overnight in 30 double cabins and in the master's suite.

      Information from Wikipedia ;-)

      best regards and a very nice weekend for you,


  4. thanks a lot Felicia for your wonderful comment!


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