
as time goes by

The past is never dead. It's not even past. 

― William Faulkner

Palazzo Castelmur in Coltura - Bregaglia Engadin, Switzerland

  Our World Tuesday - Texture Tuesday

10 Kommentare:

  1. Nice quote and a lovely post liebe Isabella.

    wish you a lovely wednesday.

    Hugs, Joop

  2. I love it!!! I love the way the ivy has so many of the same colours in it as the wall in the background!!

  3. A veces el tiempo pasa para embellecer las cosas...

    Un fuerte abrazo

  4. Magnificent photograph, my dear Isabella!

    I am swept away by this art! I like also the words about past!

    Warm hugs to you and best wishes!

  5. Beautiful photo. More a painting than a photo.

  6. i LOVE this photo. Such rustic beauty and lovely palette of colors!

  7. These photo, my friend, is wonderful!


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