
summerland magnetism


I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which,
if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright. 

Henry David Thoreau


12 Kommentare:

  1. tolle erfrischende Bilder.

    Liebe grüße von tatjana

  2. Ein Gedicht von Bildern...zum dahin schmelzen !! Wunder. Wunder, Wunderschön .... :)


  3. Beautiful images.
    Fantastic work, Isabella.

  4. Such a poet and philosopher - and he died so young, what a pity. And few remember him today, which is a shame.

    Beautiful images that you give us here, Isabella. What strikes me here is the joy of near-summer through art - and I'll try to remember this in my dark moods.


  5. Das sind wunderschöne Bilder und tolle Farben!
    LG Babs

  6. Oh, yes, this is magnetism in your photographs, dear Isabella!

    They are magnificent, airy, with such amazing backgrounds and celestial light!!! Pure delight to look at these photographs!!!

    I send you my very best wishes, Isabella!

  7. so very lovely
    happy solstice to you ~

  8. c'est l'été déjà et la lumière, le soleil se sont posés
    sur tes fleurs ! c'est un merveilleux bouquet de parfums et
    de couleurs que tu nous offres
    merci Isabella
    je te souhaite un bel été
    bisous ensoleillés

  9. Qué maravilla, i love it very much!

  10. Fantastic flowers, thanks Isabella.

  11. They are all great Isabella. But I especially LOVE the 4th one :-)

    Kind regards from the Netherlands,
    Gert Jan


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