
sweet ground


'Tis sweet to know that stocks will stand when we with daisies lie,
that commerce will continue, and trades as briskly fly.

Emily Dickinson, December 10, 1830 - May 15, 1886

I'm linking with:  wordless wednesday and NF Blo-Ma



13 Kommentare:

  1. Wunderschönste, leise Foto-Poesie. Eine kleine Meditation in die Natur, sehr sehr schön, liebe Isabella...

    Herzlichst und alles Liebe von mir zu Dir


  2. That is summer ; ) Wonderful!
    Greetings, Anita

  3. How tiny are these flower, my dear Isabella. They are like little precious jewelers. This picture is so wonderful. Wonderful for its simplicity, for its gentleness, for its beauty.

    Exceptional photograph and very, very touching and poetic!

    Dear hugs from Kaya

  4. Na das ist ja wieder gaaaaanz großer Sport !!
    Wow...Einfach nur toll !!


  5. Beautiful shot of these delicate little flowers :-)) I'm visiting you via 'NF Blo-Ma'.

  6. nature is giving us a lot of joy !

  7. What a strange sentence by Dickinson. But then, he was somehow speaking the truth, at least his own truth… :-)

    You know what? These flowers are their own source of light, look at their centre, light is pouring out from them, quite beautiful. You shot this one with a short telephoto, maybe around 100 to 150 mm I would say, and this explains this shallow DOF that yields interest to the picture. Good work!

  8. Wunderschön! Viele liebe Grüsse und einen schönen Feiertag,

  9. Så nydelig, vakker vår...sommer :)


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