
mein Norden - silencio



ich ließ mich fangen
von der weißen stille
und legte all mein drängen
in den eisig kalten schoß

lautlos verhallen
worte, schwüre, strophen
das längst gebrochene
ist hier bedeutungslos

der eiswind kühlt
die wunden, alte narben
sanft mahnt der frost
zum blick nach innen

zeit dehnt ins endlos sich
licht blendet, tröstet, füllt
lehrt schweigen, bleiben
annehmendes besinnen

und als kein vers, nicht eine silbe
schreibbar, fühlbar ist
verheißt gewissheit heller ton
hier kann ich neu beginnen


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enjoy the eco-visit to :

weekly topshot:


22 Kommentare:

  1. This silence looks pristine, clean, wonderful and yet frightening. The brave take on silence! :)

  2. Mooie gedicht en een uitstekende foto....knap gedaan Isabella.

    Lieve groetjes en een knuffel, Joop

  3. ...wie wundervoll, liebe Isabella, das bild, dein gedicht.... die erneuerung, ein wunderbarer gedanke!

    innigste grüße

  4. ... And at the end of the journey
    The tired old man feels the cold
    Alone in the fields he begins to sway
    He falls and gone is his soul

    Did you steal this image from my beautiful Québec, very dear Isabella? No, of course not, it's not cold enough, there isn't enough snow. Almost nothing, simple a light touch of white all over the place, stopping the eyes and making one wonder.

    One of your very good images indeed. I dared add those few words above as a counterpoint homage to your beautiful poem. Even translated by the horrendous Google translator (worse than that surely doesn't exist), the beauty of it comes through.


  5. Passei para uma visitinha.
    Bela foto de inverno.
    Amei a poesia.
    Boa quinta-feira!
    Um ótimo dia para você!
    Beijinhos do Brasil
    .·° ♫♪•.

  6. La imagen es una belleza!!.Hermosas palabras,también.Un abrazo grande.

  7. le froid enveloppe tout
    il écrase le vent
    et fait crier le silence

  8. Great shot. Beautiful landscape, looks so peaceful!


  9. mer ouatée,comme ici!bises isabella!

  10. Very beautiful. Both words AND picture!

    Greetings from the Netherlands!

  11. Silence... I love this silence! Your photo is beautiful!

    Thank you for your nice words on my blog!
    Wish you a nice weekend my friend!

  12. a beautiful wintery landscape. Nicely photographed. :)

  13. merveilleux silence blanc ! un paysage tout en douceur, tout blanc
    avec un ciel immense !
    je t'embrasse mille fois isabella et te souhaite un joli weekend

  14. Cold lonely silence ... very beautiful photo!

  15. Truly beautiful!
    Wish you a great weekend.
    Hug from Hilda

  16. Ein friedvolles Bild und sehr vielsagende Strophen.
    Danke dir für diese verbundene Schönheit!

  17. A really wonderful and silent winter landscape
    Have a nice week.
    Love your aquarell paintings also.

  18. You captured both silence and solitude beautifully in this photo! Not always an easy task.

    Since you are a poet, I thought you might like this haiku piece - your sublime photo made me think of it:

    Winter solitude—
    In a world of one color
    The sound of wind.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. And I have to tell you, I am MADLY in love with your gorgeous header photo!!!

  19. Silence, it is one of the things we enjoy about a snowy landscape... those bare trees add so much to the scene. Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #67!

  20. Beautiful landscape. Silence is golden ;-)


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