
for myself



I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects.
But I make them for myself first and foremost - that is important.

 Jacques-Henri Lartigue


11 Kommentare:

  1. cela ressemble à une broderie sur une robe de mariée
    et c'est absolument superbe !
    je t'embrasse Isabella

  2. Thats a lovely picture with very nice light..... good work Isabella.

    Greetings and a big hug, Joop

  3. Hello dear Isabella! Finally back in the world of the living… :-) I thank you deeply for your continued support during all this time. I do feel better, not bitter anymore BTW, thanks in part to you.

    This image is wonderful. As often, you play with DOF in such a way that you keep only the essential elements in focus. I know for a fact that this asks for a lot of knowledge in photography.

    About Lartigue's words, I know that you mention them because this is what you think. If I were cynical, which I perhaps am, I would for myself substitute these words:

    I take photographs for my beloved computer
    And humbly ask him to make art out of my efforts
    He too often spits them out
    And asks for something better, saying
    I can't make art out of nothing

    Don't forget that this is my computer speaking. The point is, shouldn't he be able to make art out of nothing?

    But then this awful question lingers: Can a photographer make art, he who cannot make art out of nothing?

    With love


  4. Eine zauberhafte Stimmung, Isabella. Mir gefallen die kühlen Töne, die etwas pastellfarben sind. Der waagerechte Ast zieht die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich, während der obere unscharfe Ast in die Tiefe führt. Irgendwie liegt ein Hauch von Frühling in dem Bild (oder ist dies einfach nur Wunschdenken von mir), mit den angedeuteten Rottönen. Ein ruhiges Bild mit Tiefe, das zum längeren Verweilen einlädt.
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Beautiful lighting!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. Beautiful photoT! and Lartigue's words, I share!

  7. Gorgeous photo ... So soft and lovely and romantic!
    Hope you are well! Happy 2013!

  8. INteresting picture and quote!

  9. Kann ich nur unterschreiben !

    Musste vor ein paar Tagen diskutieren, warum ich kein Fotoarchiv habe. Vielleicht sollte ich mal anfangen. Obwohl es ein kleiner Gewissenskonflikt ist. Danke für diese Denkübung.

  10. Dear Isabella, this is a delightful photo! I think this capture says much about you! :)

  11. The light in this photo gives hope for the spring!
    And the words is just how I feel when I see your art.
    Thanks for this wonderful post.
    From your friend Hilda


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