
autumn's delights


Autumn is the mellower season,
and what we lose in flowers
we more than gain in fruits.

Samuel Butler

And one lovely thing more about Autumn are the amazing sundowns we have during this special season direct behind our garden. 


6 Kommentare:

  1. I love the light you got on the fruit. Autumn is a special season for light.

  2. We also gain so much in color, at least to my eyes. I still picture God up in heaven with buckets of paint splashing color down on the trees! My favorite season!
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. Wunderschöne herbstliche Stimmungsbilder, die Weintrauben ob hell oder dunkel gefallen mir ganz besonders.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Great post. Good thing I just had lunch because the photos would make me hungry.


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