
mein Norden - im Herzen



7 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely shot and nice words Isabella.

    Greetings, Joop

    Thanks for your visit on my other blog.

  2. wunderschoen sind diese Graeser!

    Liebe Gruesse!!

  3. Isabella, I came the third time to look at this photograph and it has the same beautiful and strong impact. It takes away your thoughts into a different place, somewhere by the sea.

    This is incredible photography!!! Wonderful gentleness in colors and composition.

    Love this art very much. It's fantastic!!!!

    I send you many warm wishes and my love!

  4. Una preciosa imagen, me encanta!! Saludos!

  5. Oh wie schön dein Bild liebe Isabella, sehr passend zu Hesses Worte...

    Liebe Grüsse


  6. This is a most beautiful photograph, dear Isabella. Very peaceful, very soothing, I love it.

    This shows that an image doesn't necessarily have to be very complex. In fact, I would say that the simpler it is, the more difficult it is to create a very good image. And here, well, you succeeded.


  7. Cette photo très bien exposé surtout ces lumière qui est là en harmonie très bon travail!!


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