
autumn artwork, 1


"Come", said the wind to the leaves one day.
"Come over the meadow and we will play.
Put on your dresses of red and gold.
For summer is gone and the days grow old."

George Cooper, 1838–1927

9 Kommentare:

  1. Very good photo Isabella..

    warm greetings and a hug, Joop

  2. beautiful colours... complimenti..

  3. A beautiful autumn leaf . . .
    designed to blow in the wind.

  4. Beautiful autumn series. Love them!
    Wish you a great weekend.
    Hug from Hilda

  5. Un motivo simple, y una muy bella fotografía! es un trabajo precioso, me encanta!!Feliz fin de semana.

  6. Love the autumn...
    your photo is beautiful Isabella!

    Have a nice weekend! ; )

  7. Hello dear Isabella,

    I am finally back and for good, as you can see. This has been one hectic summer… We moved into our beautiful new house… which is still a mess BTW with a lot of workers that come and go, modifying it to suit our needs… Anyway. :-)

    Well, about this photograph of yours, you dared to make a stunning use of a very shallow depth of field and came up with splendid results. If you add this to those daring pastels, I cannot give you less that 9,5 (on a scale of 10) for this one.

    I debated with myself about giving you a 10, but then you would perhaps not have believed me, knowing that I gave myself a 10 score maybe two or three times, no more…

    Let's be serious for a second: this is really a tremendous image, what else can I say? You're good…

    Have a nice week-end!


  8. Joop, Massimo, Rick, Hilda, Silvana, Nita and what a great joy my dear Roger again !!!

    my warmest thanks to you all for your friendship, your interest all the years, your time, your thoughts, your inspiration ... I'm deeply grateful that you exist in my life.

    and I always feel honored by praise but also criticism. Your own photographic works are admired and studied by me. Your comments to me are a major incentive and good feedback.

    and Roger, your 9,5 makes my day, my friend !!!

    wish you all a beautiful Sunday.

    hugs and kisses

  9. Stunning!! I love it!! And the quotation!


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