
just a cottage garden


Es brennt in mir ein Verlangen, in Einfachheit groß zu werden.

 Paula Modersohn-Becker

13 Kommentare:

  1. Olá!
    As flores azuis e o fundo em tonalidades de verde, dão a estas fotos um ar mistério...
    M. Emília

  2. Hi Isabela, long time! I was sick, but I'm fine now and back. I missed your exquisite fotos. Best wishes from afar. Jorge

  3. Très beaux bleus, profonds ... Un beau jardin, c'est vrai.

  4. Très beaux bleus, profonds ... Un beau jardin, c'est vrai.

  5. Great shots with ovely colors...... very well done Isabella.

    Kiss, Joop

  6. Traumhaft liebe Isabella
    Dieses BLAU macht mir jedes Jahr wieder Freude und immer denke ich, dass ich nun einmal ein Kleidungsstück in dieser Farbe haben möchte! Schauen wir mal...
    ♥-liche Grüsse und hab einen gemütlichen Start in ein hoffentlich wunderbares Wochenende

  7. hermoso color mas luz y sombra de las flores!

  8. tes images sont superbes Isabella !
    les couleurs et les lumières sont un enchantement !
    je te souhaite un super weekend
    bisous d'ici

  9. So wonderful violet colours, the spring just has arrived. Un abrazo.

  10. beautiful, isabella! as if these flowers have condensed directly from the soft air of the spring :-)

  11. Magnifique....une lumière de fleurs. Bise mon amie Isabella.

  12. Dear Isabella, you can't imagine how I missed your photography. I was taking time off and the first thing I wanted to see what you did.

    I love these photographs. It's amazing how you can photograph flowers. It seems that you camera so gently touches these moments.

    Wonderful gentleness and beautiful compositions!

    Isabella, I send you many hugs. I would love to say BRAVO for all these photographs.

    Your friend, Kaya.


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