
Bremerhaven, Harbour 9


Aus Werdendem ist viel mehr zu lernen als aus Vollendetem. 

Hermann Lietz

7 Kommentare:

  1. This harbor of yours is an architectural pearl. I like harbors in general, but this one is marvelous. Have a nice week-end

  2. FANTASTISCHE aufnahme Isabella

    Liebe grüsse, Joop


  3. Mahtava kuva. !
    Terveisin Orvokki.

  4. Un cielo davvero bello. Colori stupendi.
    Felice we Isabella.

  5. grossartig !

    Meine herzlichen Glückwünsche zu dem Buch-Erfolg. Einen guten Sonntag dir.

  6. Isabella, you created a wonderful surreal scene. Would I want to be in this place? Oh, yes, I would. I am not sure that I would see this place the way you saw it. What you saw is wonderful and fascinating.

    You played with lines and geometrical shapes. And you saw them with your beautiful imagination. And created a pure magic with your camera.

    I will never ever be able to do this, my dear Isabella but I can admire and be thrilled by what you created.

    This art is a great success!!!

    I wish you a beautiful Sunday and wonderful and happy week.

    Sincerely yours, Kaya.

  7. This harbour is beautifully photographed by you, Isabella. Great composition!

    Have a nice week! : )


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